Zone 4 comprises 12 PCA Regions (chapters) located in the north central United States. These 12 Regions comprise nearly 20% of the membership base of the Porsche Club of America and host a variety of events year round. Have a look for the Region closest to you and see what events are coming up!
Zone 4 covers the western part of Pennsylvania, all of Ohio, the lower peninsula of Michigan and most of Indiana. (click on icon to go to site)
Click on each Region logo to be directed to their site.

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Allegheny Region (Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Area) | March 1961 | On March 25, 1961, 31 Porsche owners and P.C.A. members gathered at McSorley’s Restaurant in the North Hills for a very special Porsche related reason. The intent of the meeting at McSorley’s had a then familiar ring, “Let’s start a PCA region!”. The result – Allegheny Region was chartered on April 29, 1961. |
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Central Indiana Region (Central, Eastern & Southern Indiana) | March 1961 | As owners joined the national organization they were assigned to the nearest chartered Region; in this area it was the Chicago-Milwaukee Region. In 1959, the Chicago-Milwaukee Region was split into two Regions. Central and Northern Indiana PCA members were then assigned to the Chicago Region. On Jan. 20, 1961, on one of the worst nights of the winter, 75 people attended a meeting to hear the story of PCA. A second meeting was held a few weeks later to finalize the necessary steps to obtain a charter. Boundaries were established, a region name was selected, officers elected, by-laws written, etc. The charter was granted March 17, 1961. |
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Motor-Stadt Region | April 1973 | Motor-Stadt Region was created in 1973 from the dreams of three young men; Jerry Dillinger, Marty Herstein and Paul Weston. The first correspondence to then PCA President Charles M. Kuell dated December 6, 1972 simply asked “Please tell me what is involved in forming a Central Michigan Region of PCA”. In January, 1973 invitations were mailed to as many Porsche owners and enthusiasts as Marty could find. On February, 13, Porsche owners converged on what would become the home restaurant of Motor-Stadters, the “Starboard Tackï” in East Lansing. This special meeting determined if there was enough interest to form another region in Central Michigan. The answer was unanimous…YES! |
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Western Michigan Region (Western Michigan Area) | November 1960 | The organizational meeting was held on October 22, 1960, at Greenridge Country Club in Grand Rapids. All 31 attending the meeting voted to organize the Western Michigan Region. The first club meeting was December 3, 1960, and met every other month. WMR was one of the charter members that went to the National PCA meeting in Pittsburgh, PA to present our formal petition for charter on December 3, 1960. |
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Southeast Michigan Region (Southeastern Michigan/Detroit Area) | May 1958 | The organizational meeting was held on October 22, 1960, at Greenridge Country Club in Grand Rapids. All 31 attending the meeting voted to organize the Western Michigan Region. The first club meeting was December 3, 1960, and met every other month. WMR was one of the charter members that went to the National PCA meeting in Pittsburgh, PA to present our formal petition for charter on December 3, 1960. |
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Michiana Region (Northern Indiana & Southern Michigan Area) | May 1973 | The Michiana Charter of the Porsche Club of America was founded in 1972 with only three founding members, Harry Burnstine, Walt Reim, and Sue Burnstine. At the time the Michiana charter of PCA was know as the Michigan-Indiana Porsche club, It wasn’t until years later that the name was changed to The Michiana Porsche club. At its start the club was only represented by three vehicles, a 1972 911, a 1972 914, and a 1971 914. The Michiana Porsche Club has vastly grown in nature from its start. We now host several events ranging from Autocrosses to Driver Educations and the annual Christmas party to the ever growing popular Mystery Weekend. So grab your keys and join us now before you miss another exciting event held by The Michiana Porsche Club. |
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Rally Sport Region (Detroit, Michigan Area) | February 1996 | Formerly part of the Southeast Michigan Region, the Rally Sport Region was chartered back in February 1996 and includes members as far away as Germany and Canada (that would be those who get us confused with the Renn Sport Region and someone in Manitoba). Our members are very active and participate in a great many events throughout the year. Our membership started with less than 30 charter members and has grown to over 200 members by the beginning of 2000, with more arriving every month. |
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Northern Ohio Region (Cleveland, Northeastern Ohio Area) | November 1960 | NOR celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 2000 – or was it the 42nd? It seems that there is some debate on the matter. Herb Whiting was the founder and first president of NOR. After helping convince Chuck Stoddard to open what would eventually become a Premier Porsche Dealership, he purchased a 1957 356A Coupe from Chuck in 1958. Herb wanted to talk Porsche with other local owners, so with Chuck’s assistance, he invited them to a dinner meeting, held at Hellriegel’s Inn in Painesville, Ten people showed up, and they decided to form a regional PCA Chapter. Herb filed the proper paperwork with National, and NORPCA was born. After receiving a list from National of more owners in the area, the club contacted them, and within the year, there were 50-60 members. Whether the paperwork “got lost in the mail”, or due to inactivity, the club didn’t get properly registered until 1960. |
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Eastern Buckeye Region (Akron, Canton & Eastern Ohio Area) | March 1978 | Welcome to the Eastern Buckeye Region of the Porsche Club of America. Eastern Buckeye Region, or EBR, is located in the northeastern section of Ohio. EBR covers the major cities of Akron, Canton and Youngstown. EBR was formed as a break off region from the Northern Ohio Region PCA in the mid-1970s and has grown to have over 200 members. |
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Ohio Valley Region (Cincinnati, Ohio Area) | November 1961 | During the period of June to September 1961 a Round-Up of all Porsche owners in Central Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and Western Indiana was conducted. More than 100 Porsche owners were contacted about forming a region based in the Ohio Valley area. Of this large group of owners, twenty-three decided to give it a go. As many of the Kentucky owners were on the verge of forming their own region, few decided to come. |
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Mid-Ohio Region (Columbus, Ohio Area) | March 1966 | The Mid-Ohio Region of the Porsche Club of America became a charter member of PCA on March 28, 1966, evolving from what was the then defunct Columbus region. The original petition sent to the national organization contained the names of seventeen prospective members. The original officers were: Jack Chance, President; Jim Graham, Activities Director; Emmy Dunkle, Secretary; and Parker Garwick, Treasurer. One of the first things the new club had to do was choose a name for the newsletter. During a meeting in July suggestions were taken and two titles were presented to the region, M-O-R for Porsche and Die Offene Strasse. A vote was taken, and the rest is history. |
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Maumee Valley Region (SE Michigan, Toledo & NW Ohio Area) | March 1972 | Early in March of 1972, many area Porsche owners received a letter from two individuals interested in starting a Porsche Club, namely, Roger Holliday, already a PCA member and co-founder of the Porsche Club of Great Britain, and Lynn Mesnard, enthusiast and Porsche owner. The letter stated that, due to the ever-increasing number of Porsches in the area, a Porsche Club was going to be formed, and an organizational meeting would be held on March 12, 1972, at the Porsche dealership, Will Dennis Inc. |